Studi Analisis Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Lerning (PjBL) Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Awal Siswa Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Fisika Pada Siswa


  • S. Ida Kholida Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, FKIP, Universitas Islam Madura
  • Suprianto Suprianto Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, FKIP, Universitas Islam Madura

Kata Kunci:

Initial Ability, Learning Motivation Creative Thinking Ability, Project Based Learning (PjBL).


This study aims to (1) to find out the significant influence of Project Based Learning (PjBL) models on student motivation, (2) to find out the significant influence of Project Based Learning (PjBL) models on creative thinking women , (3) To find out whether students who have high initial ability have high learning motivation, (4) to find out whether students who have high initial have high creative thinking abilities, (5) To find out the effect of interactions between Project Based Learning (PjBL) models and students' initial ability to learn motivation, (6) To determine the effect of interactions between the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model and the the student's initial ability to think creatively in students' physics. This study uses quasi-experimental (Quasi Experimental) with Non-Equivalent control group pretest-posttes design. The sample used is class X IPA 1 as an experimental group using the PjBL model, while class X IPA 2 as a control group using the PBL model. The technical analysis of data using the Two Way ANOVA test with the help of SPSS version 16.0. The results of the sig t-test of student learning motivation based on the model and initial abilities were obtained 0.31 and 0.00, meaning that thevalue sig SPSS<significance ñ = 0.05, then the hypothesis was accepted stating there was an influence of the model and students' initial ability on student motivation. The results sig of the t-testtest of students' creative thinking ability based on the model and the initial ability were obtained 0.24 and 0.00, meaning that thevalue sig SPSS<significance ñ = 0.05, then the hypothesis was accepted stating there was an influence of the student's initial ability and model on the creative thinking abilities of students. While the research results sig t-test learning motivation is based on the interaction between the learning model and the initial ability of students gained 0.659, meaning that the value of sig SPSS> significance ñ = 0.05, then the hypothesis is rejected, which states there is no interaction between the learning model and the initial ability of student to student motivation . The results sig of the t-testtest students 'creative thinking ability based on the interaction between the learning model and the students' initial ability were obtained 0.207, meaning that thevalue sig SPSS> significance ñ = 0.05, then the hypothesis was rejected stating there was no interaction between the learning model and the student's initial ability.


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